Tools for Change

We create educational frameworks, courses tools to help you take creative climate action.

  1. The Welcome Toolkit

Learn how to navigate the Creative Climate Hub and navigate your first steps on your creative climate action journey!

2. The Greenwash Swatch

The Greenwash Swatch—is a free downloadable tool to help you navigate different forms of greenwashing.

3. The Anti-Greenwash Guide

This 30-page interactive handbook offers essential guidelines and practical tips to help leaders navigate sustainable marketing and tackle greenwashing, understand legal boundaries, drive transformative, positive action.

Learn about the Ethical Agency Alliance

Our ethical agency alliance is comprised of industry frontrunners raising the bar on climate action. Agencies that commit to our pathway to change can become recognized members of the alliance.

Learn how to partner with us

We’ve designed partnership packages to share your message with the right audience.

We’ll help you find the right partner in our collective, and you can help fund our campaign efforts.